venerdì 18 gennaio 2013

Let Down ...

Let Down ...

At face value, its a complaint of mass transit. But upon a closer inspection it turns out to be a sad critique of modern society.The planes, the trains, and all the other gizmos are simply ways of getting us from here to there, but with out any real destination. It tells of being alienated. Before people had purpose but now a days everyone seems to be running in circles, never achieving a thing.You're born, you're instilled a set of values society deems necessary at the time, you are expected to transmit these values onto the next generation, and then you die. Sure, it speaks of dissappointment, yet, it also speaks of hope. Even if the world seems like a barren and hopeless place, by the end you know that somehow it will all work out. That one day you'll be looking back and laughing at all those tears.

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